R-Value measures the roofing material's ability to resist thermal energy flowing through it, which limits the airflow between the outside and inside of your building.
By utilizing materials with a high R-Value, you're able to keep more hot air in your building during the winter and out of your building in the summer. This process results in more sustainable energy consumption practices for your entire building. By using less energy to maintain your heating and cooling costs year-round, you're effectively saving nearly $.50 per square foot.
Spray foam roofing carries the highest R-Value of any roofing system. Combined with our silicone roof coating solution, your roof is able to reflect 89% of the suns ultra-violet rays.
Due to this system’s reflective silicone material, and the superior R-Value of SPF, this is truly - one "cool" roof.

- • Energy efficient.
• Lower utility bills.
• Comfortable indoor environment.